Day 1 – October 16 (Tuesday)
8:45 welcome
9-11 An overview of additive manufacturing hardware
Lecturer: Bernd Bickel and Jesús Pérez
Coffee break
11.30-13.30 State of the Art on Stylized Fabrication
Lecturers: Bernd Bickel, Jesús Pérez and Luigi Malomo
Lunch Break
14.45-16.45 Surface Parametrization
Lecturer: Marco Tarini
Coffee Break
17-19 Mesh processing tools for digital modeling and manufacturing
Lecturer: Marco Centin
Day 2 – October 17
8:45 -10:45 Appearance representation, editing and reproduction (part 1)
Lecturer: Fabio Pellacini
Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Appearance representation, editing and reproduction (part2)
Lecturer: Fabio Pellacini
Lunch break
14:15-16:00 From 3D models to 3D prints: an overview of the processing pipeline
Lecturer: Jonàs Martínez and Marco Livesu
16:30-18:15 Demo session (Advanced Prototyping LAB)
20.00 Social Dinner (for all school attendants)
Day 3 – October 18
8.30 -9:30 Procedural and stochastic microstructures for functional fabrication
Lecturer: Jonàs Martínez
9.30 -10:00 Fabrication-aware shape decomposition
Lecturer: Marco Livesu
10.00 -10:30 Simulating additive manufacturing: a meshing perspective
Lecturer: Marco Livesu
Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 (Beyond) 3D Printing: Geometry Processing for Fabricating Digital Objects based on reusable Molds
Lecturers: Luigi Malomo
12:00-13:00 Examination 1h
13:00-13:15 Concluding Remarks